About CReATe Biobank

The CReATe Biobank project was established in 2015 to facilitate translational research and accelerate the impact of human reproductive biology research on patient care. Here, we bank biological wastes of different clinical procedures.

After all IVF (in-vitro fertilization) procedures, there are left over cells and tissues which are not used for creating a pregnancy, and which otherwise are routinely discarded.

ALL of these are normally discarded in a biological waste container and then sent to a biologic waste handling facility for disposal.

As an alternative to discarding this material, it could be used by the research laboratory for various research studies which can serve to promote advances in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, such as improve IVF techniques, or to increase medical knowledge about the causes of congenital diseases, miscarriages and infertility.

With informed consent for the use of your biological waste materials for research projects, the consented materials would be used in a de-identified, coded fashion for research projects that have been reviewed and approved by the research ethics board at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Women’s College Hospital or the University of Toronto. Information from your medical chart such as your age, sex, weight, medical diagnoses and hormonal levels/medication used during stimulation cycles may need to be collected by a nurse or researcher to correlate to sample information, but this information will be coded, and no patient identifier information will be associated with the analysis of biological samples.

CReATe Biobank has started a partnership with Biobank Graz in Graz, Austria. Please see the following link for further information: https://biobank.medunigraz.at/en/for-researchers